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What is your favorite food?

Well most definitely chocolate….with almond butter toasts as a close second.


What character trait do you most admire?

Patience, because patience is soooo hard!


What do you do for fun?

Hang out with my beloved dogs. I love them so much. Also, hike, jog, dance, watch Netflix, travel, explore, snowshoe, drink tea, hang with friends.


Who is your favorite band or music artist right now or of all time?

Right now I obsessed with Sia…. of all time probably Dave Matthews Band or Florence and the Machine


What is your fave yoga pose and why do you like it?

Downward facing dog. I love it because when I started yoga I despised it and thought it was the worst, most painful pose ever but since I’ve learned more and more about how to engage my body efficiently and support myself with breath and gained more knowledge about alignment, I LOVE being in downdog. So it also reminds e of my progress and how far I’ve come since my down dog hater days.


What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

TV show is probably Parenthood. How I wish it was still on! And my favorite movie of all time is Sound of Music because Maria Von Trapp kills it, obviously.


Best part about being a yoga instructor?

I love that I never feel totally comfortable teaching yoga. I never get bored because there is always so much more to learn. It challenges me over and over again. I also love the relationships I have built teaching yoga.


Do you have any nicknames? What are they?

Little Kate, Katiebug, Calvie (my maiden name is Calvert), Calv, Bug, Dids


Do you have any pets? What are they?

My two dogs that I love with all my heart, mind, and soul! Penny the labradoodle and Ruby the terrier mix of some sort.


Tell us something surprising about yourself.

I speak Chinese! Well, at least I did at one point because I lived in China for a year, went to school there for a semester, and minored in Chinese at the U of U. I love all things Asia.


What is your spirit animal?

A wolf.


Who is your celebrity crush?

It changes but probably right now Jake Gyllenhall… mmmm hmmm.


What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Eat my almond butter toast on Killer Dave’s bread with a cup of green tea and a glass of almond milk. It gets me out of bed in the morning!


What super power would you like to have?

Teleportation… is that a super power? I just decided it was


Fill in the blank: “If you know me well, you know I ______________.” love chocolate.


What is the coolest place you’ve ever visited?

Nepal. I loved Kathmandu and this cute little town called Pokhara.


What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Bungee jumped off the highest bungee jump in the world in the middle of the Himalayas

Katie's Teaching Schedule:

Tuesdays & Thursdays

Power 1 & 2 at 9:15am


Core at 4:30pm

Deep Power at 7:15pm


Power 1 at 5:50pm

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