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Do you have any hidden talents?



What is your favorite food?



What character trait do you most admire?

People who are true to themselves


Best part about being a yoga instructor?

All the great people I get to meet.


Do you have any pets?

1 dog- Otis

1 cat- Tina

2 horses- Floyd and Jop

1 mule- Pheong

23 chickens


Who is your celebrity crush?

Adam Levine… apparently he does yoga too!


If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Healing the sick. That would be a SUPER DUPER power!


If you know me well you know I….

Kinda live in my car.


Favorite style of yoga to teach? To practice?

Vinyasa and vinyasa

Claudette's Teaching Schedule:


Restore at 4pm

Kids Yoga at 5:30pm

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