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What is your favorite food?

It's so hard because I love so much different food and I'm a total foodie. Can I list several?! There are so many for different reasons. Love curry: it's complex with so many different depths of flavors. Love anything from my garden: I love the reciprocal relationship. Love sushi: it's one of those foods that I can't make and there is so much creativity in it. The list could go on and on. 


What character trait do you most admire?

Honesty. To yourself. Others. It's pretty important to be in tune with yourself and trust in yourself to just be authentic.


What do you do for fun?

Run around with my toddler. I'm Robin to his Batman. And spend time in the kitchen. I love all things food.


Who is your favorite band or music artist right now or of all time?

I really love Andrew Bird. I find the layering of tracks in his music absolutely fascinating...and beautiful.


What is your favorite TV show?

Movie? Toss up. Either Zoolander or Shawshank Redemption. Two totally opposite movies but hits two different parts of my soul. 


Best part about being a yoga instructor?

I teach prenatal yoga because I love to empower women and give them tools to navigate the craziness of birth, motherhood and life. Plus, I love to see the little babies after they enter our world!


Do you have a motto or a mantra?

Breathe. Everything will be okay.


What is your favorite cereal?

Granola. Love granola. I could eat it for every meal of the day.


Name three things on your bucket list.

1: Go fishing in Alaska, 2: Hike Machu Picchu, 3: Write a children's book


What is the coolest place you’ve ever visited?

 I hiked a volcano in Chile one time and it was amazing. Stood on the edge and stared into the steam pouring out. Pretty wild. Then sledded down. By far the coolest thing I've ever done.


What’s your favorite song to sing at Karaoke night?

"Like A Prayer" by Madonna

Ashley's Teaching Schedule


Prenatal Yoga at 12pm

Postnatal Yoga at 1:30pm

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