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John Cottrell 21st Yoga Instructor


Three words to describe you:

Driven, adventurous, compassionate.


Do you have any hidden talents?

Being as cozy as possible as often as possible :)


What do you do for fun?

I love to get outside: run, rock climb, & camp but I'm also a homebody: cooking and snuggling up in front of a good movie can be so satisfying!


What is the best part of being a yoga instructor?

Getting to laugh with students- especially when I say silly things!


What is your favorite food?

elaborate meals cooked outside on a camp stove or in a fire.


What super power would you like to have?

Apparition!  I often wish I could appear anywhere I wanted at any time- eliminate travel time altogether!


List two pet peeves.

Phoniness & inefficiency.


What is your favorite style of yoga to teach? To practice?

Favorite style of yoga to teach: Deep Power; favorite to practice: whatever feels good that particular day!


Do you have a motto or mantra?

Just keep swimming!

Katie's YouTube Classes:

Core (#1)

Core (#2)

Katie's Teaching Schedule:


Core at 4:30pm

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